Bug Out Bag Basics and Evacuation Plan PLR
Evacuation PLR
Whether you call it bugging out, evacuation, or fleeing to safety, there are times when you may have to leave the safety of your home.
It's a scary proposition to have to evacuate your home, sometimes in less than an hour. What do you take? What do you leave? How can you make sure you're prepared?
Summer is here and that means tornados, wildfires, floods, and hurricanes.
The numbers for 2022 are incredible and 2023 looks to be just as devasting
350,000 house fires
1,329 verified tornados
7.3 million acres lost to wildfires
The NOAA National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI) has released the final update to its 2022 Billion-dollar disaster report (www.ncei.noaa.gov/access/billions), confirming another intense year of costly disasters and extremes throughout much of the country. 2022 tied 2017 and 2011 for the third highest number of billion-dollar disasters. 2022 was also third highest in total costs (behind 2017 and 2005), with a price tag of at least $165.0 billion. This total annual cost may rise by several billion when we’ve fully accounted for the costs of the December 21-26 Central and Eastern winter storm/cold wave.
Get to Safety from Tornados
Tornados rip through the Midwest from early May through September with winds reaching 300 miles per hour. That level of intensity lifts automobiles several hunderd feet, blows houses off their foundation, overturns trains and uproots trees. It's not a understatement to say tornados are one of the most powerful threats in nature. If you must evacuate you won't have time to do anything but grab your bugout bag and go.
Bugout from Wildfires
Wildfires spread at the rate of 9 to 12 miles per hour. That may not sound very fast but a human runs at about 8 mph for men and 6 mph for women. This is running for your life speeds, not jogging around the park. Wildfire temperatures can reach 2100 degrees F. Major wildfires creat their own weather which fans the fire even more.
Protect you and your family by having what you need to evacuate safely and quickly.
Flee to Safety from Hurricanes and Flooding
Hurricanes, while fewer in number than tornados do more damage over a greater area and last longer. Winds reach over 150 miles per hour in a category five storm.
Flooding caused by heavy rains can be devasting. In July 2022 dozens of people lost their lives in the Kentucky flooding. Would they have been saved if they had evacuated?
Evacuate to Safety PLR
This PLR package includes 21 Tips for Evacuation
and 12 Steps for putting together your bugout bag and evacuating
a total of 2,500 words.
12 Steps for a safe and Quick Evacuation
Each step includes a suggested list of what you should pack in your bugout bag and have ready to go. For example each family member should take at least 2 liters of water for each day or a total of 4 liters for a 2 day evacuation.
Step 1 Get Clothes Ready
Pack for two days for each member of the family in their own separate bag. Yes, it might seem like you only need one pair of socks and underwear, but accidents happen. There’s nothing worse than cold wet socks. Depending on the season you may not need to pack gloves and hat, but do pack a sweater or sweatshirt even in summer nights can be cool.
Every season double check the clothes. You might need to swap out shorts that were fine in the summer for jeans in the winter. Think layers of clothing rather than one heavy jacker.
Children grow quickly, so what fit in the fall will probably be too small the next fall. Pack extra underwear fo those under fie years old.
2 pairs of socks
2 underwear
Tank top
Short sleeve shirt
Long sleeve shirt
Shorts or jeans
Gloves and hat
Cheap rain cape
Step 2 Put Your First Aid Kit Together
Day 3 Pack Personal Care Items
Day 4 Repair Kit
Day 5 Water is Critical
Day 6 Don't Go Hungry: Food
Day 7 Prescriptions
Day 8 Documents
Day 9 Protect Your Assets
Day 10 Pack for Your Pets
Day 11 Contacts
Day 12 Turn It Off or Leave It On
Day 13 Pull It Altogether
Day 14 Practice Makes Perfect
What can you do with this PLR?
Set up a blog or website.
Combine the tips into several guides.
Set up a newsletter for your subscribers
Give away the Tips as a bonus to attract subscribers to your list.
Turn the steps into a podcast.
Combine the tips into several articles.
Download your copy of Bug out Basics 2500 word,
PLR Package Now.
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